Sunday, September 14, 2008

Operation Bag of home

Hi everyone,

Some of you may recall mentions about another charity I am working on with a friend of mine. The project is called Operation Bag of Home, and the idea is that we hand-make bags, fill them with little toiletries and/or fun stuff, and then ship the bags to troops overseas.

We are changing our approach a little bag and have come up with a few "themed" bags with exact lists of what would go into each bag. I am going to be making prototypes of each type of bag shortly...bags are basically like making 2 squares and sewing them together :) We are also going to be working on bags intended specifically for female troops...we were thinking of including some small hair doo-dads in there. If anyone is into sewing but hasn't really felt like there's a charitable need for quick projects I think it would be neat to include some homemade pony tail or bun holders in these bags.

Here is the list of themed bags we are working on:

General Sanitary Package - MALE
1 bottle 1 - 2oz hand sanitizer
travel size toothpaste & toothbrush
travel size kleenex pack
travel size q-tips
1 tube chapstick

General Sanitary Package - FEMALE
1 bottle - 2oz hand sanitizer
travel size deodorant
1 small package hair ties and/or bobby pins
travel size toothpast & toothbrush
1 tube flavored chapstick
travel size comb

Extreme Weather - HOT
2 tubes chapstick
travel size sunblock
8 - 10 flavor drink mix pouches (20oz bottle size)
1 bottle 1 - 2oz hand sanitizer

THEME - Thanksgiving
letters and cards (not for bags, but to send with box)
small bag individually wrapped candies (no chocolate March through September)
2 pouches tuna fish
1 small box goldfish crackers
8 - 10 flavor drink mix pouches (20oz bottle size)
1 bottle 1 - 2oz hand sanitizer

Silly/Fun Bag
small bag individually wrapped candies (no chocolate March through September)
1 small canister silly string
2 small sized slim jims
1 SMALL water squirt guns

Visit us over at if you are interested!

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Just popping back in to see what you're up to. Left you a message, thought it was here...maybe I forgot and it was in one of the other spaces? Toothbrushes, such a good item for all types of bags, but I wondered if you knew a way where one could buy in bulk (like Sams you can get package of 5 or more), but then still package it in such a manner people would be comfortable with knowing the brush was clean and new?
